Inventory Challenges? The CRM Answer 

Inventory Challenges? The CRM Answer 

Ask yourself these three questions about how you handle inventory. They’ll show you whether a CRM with the power to align your inventory and customer data might be the next step for your dealership.

Three Ways to Improve Inventory Management and Drive Strategic Growth

Three Ways to Improve Inventory Management and Drive Strategic Growth

Managing the inventory pipeline works best when you take a proactive approach to answer its challenges. That’s where Anvil’s inventory feature can make a difference.

4 Ways to Simplify Inventory Tracking

4 Ways to Simplify Inventory Tracking

Top four ways Anvil simplifies inventory tracking processes: Reduce processing time; Access from anywhere; Receive automatic notifications; and Gain deeper insights.

Find Equipment 3 Times Faster with Inventory Search

Find Equipment 3 Times Faster with Inventory Search

Anvil Inventory consolidates equipment data into one easy-to-search platform. Accurate inventory status, photos, trade-in details and more give salespeople the ability to quickly query the right inventory records, wherever you make deals.

Cut Inventory Search Time and Focus on Selling

Cut Inventory Search Time and Focus on Selling

Create a 360-view of your dealership’s inventory. Anvil brings your inventory data together in one platform, eliminating the need to search multiple systems to gather the information you need.