Fine-Tune Your Analytics to Focus on Reaching Your Goals

With a constant data stream emerging from every transaction, interaction and completed task, the challenge facing your dealership is determining how that data can empower you, rather than causing “paralysis by analysis.” Anvil’s analytic features break through data paralysis and bring the actionable information you need to make smarter, faster decisions.

“Enhanced data availability adds new dimensions to operations management, better informing decisions and allowing you to see your operations in new ways,” says Eric Ware, Anvil’s Vice President of Product.

“Any operations-based data set contains information critical to day-to-day function as well as information that may be accessed during periodic activities, such as month-end or budgeting,” says Ware. “Other information may be relevant for one role or another in an organization. The key is making the right information available at the right time for the right people.”

Goal-Centric Analytics

According to Ware, the wealth of information available in the analytics feature can be overwhelming to new users. “All of it offers insights, but practically, there is a limit to what people can process and act on at any given time,” he says.

That’s where Anvil helps define your needs and create strategies to focus your resources. “Just like an agronomist who listens to a farmer describe his needs and then crafts a plan for the growing season to optimize production, your Account Manager (AM) helps you set up analytics features to focus on achieving your goals.”

That process starts with refining the goals you have in mind for your dealership. “Those goals may be for the dealership in general, or for a particular department, like sales,” he adds.

With a clearly defined set of goals established, your AM works with you to identify how you can achieve that goal and the key performance indicators (KPIs) related to those activities. “If your goal is to increase sales by 5 percent, does that mean that the sales team needs to increase the number of quotes by 10 percent, or does it mean that the value of the average quote needs to grow by 5 percent?” he asks.

The Anvil team can unlock vital information in the data your dealership generates and display it in easily digestible formats, whether that means creating dashboards displaying graphs, progress bars or charts, or reports that automation can create and distribute on a set schedule.

Razor-Sharp Focus

“From an implementation standpoint, one of the most important questions to resolve is: What do you want people to focus on?” says Ware. “A typical deployment makes dozens of reports available in Anvil,” he continues. “To achieve specific goals, you need to focus your people on the KPIs that matter most and give them consistent exposure to real-time metrics.”

For most Anvil clients, that means creating a dashboard that they see every time they enter the system. “Decide what five things you want people focused on every day,” he says. “And those things may be different for different roles in the organization.”

Putting that information in an easily digestible format and giving your team consistent exposure keeps them focused on the right things every day — the things that really move the needle toward accomplishing your goals. Anvil’s analytics features put that critical information in front of your team multiple times a day, connecting their efforts to progress toward goals.

As a result, you can dispense with meetings to assess status and refocus the team. Instead, you can spend your time on proactive efforts: working directly with reps to close deals, calling on customers or improving operations.

However you approach meeting your goals, Anvil’s robust analytics features focus your team’s efforts squarely on what matters most: Success.

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