The 3 Ways Anvil Energizes Your Data

As an ag equipment dealer, you stand at the forefront of a data revolution. Farming’s digital transformation changed how your customers operate, and it’s largely driven by the technology and equipment you sell. Does your dealership use the same level of technology and data you provide to your customers?

Anvil App Works created solutions specifically for equipment dealers using the power of the Salesforce customer relationship management (CRM) platform. Anvil consolidates and organizes your data within one system. Then, using powerful analytics features, it provides deeper insights to improve the performance of your dealership. See metrics that reveal how well your dealership follows through on new leads, how it progresses toward market-share targets, or how sold-on order equipment affects cashflow projections.

Interpretation Is Key

What are the biggest challenges you face when trying to interpret critical data? Wrangling multiple systems to pull together inventory reports? Pulling together reports via spreadsheets only for them to become obsolete a few hours later?

To be competitive, you need to be able to analyze and view valuable insights in real time, quickly. Anvil has built in analytics features that automatically sort through the data for you. And using its automated features, you can get reports sent to you on a set schedule.

Here are three ways Anvil uses analytics to help you find meaningful data, and connect the dots between your data insights and better business decisions.

1. Actionable Insights that Matter to Your Business.

By asking it the right questions, data analytics can provide a wealth of insights into your dealership’s key performance indicators (KPIs).

The first step is to determine what question you want answered. For example, are you looking for data on aging equipment? Do you want to see pricing trends? How many quotes are currently open in your sales pipeline? Once you define your criteria, Anvil pulls all matching records into a report. From there, you can convert the report into visual dashboards and review the data as charts and graphs. This gives decision-makers the ability to review dealership KPIs quickly.

By leveraging your data’s power, you can improve customer relationships, identify issues before they become problems, and increase sales and revenue for your dealership. Through these customized tools, Anvil helps you formulate valuable insights, make better decisions, and then quickly take action.

2. Make Better Decisions.

Data visualization helps decision makers process data and quickly identify areas needing their attention. Is it inventory that should be turning faster? Are quotes going stale instead of being signed? Are sold-equipment invoices piling up instead of being settled? Anvil analytics shows you the status of your operations in real time, allowing you to recognize and deal with challenges before they become problems.

Imagine what you could do with real-time business analysis at your fingertips. With Anvil, it’s as simple as viewing a dashboard or opening an app on your phone.

3. Focus on Solutions.

Anvil analytics takes the waiting game out of your decision-making process, transforming your dealership into a nimble, solutions-focused enterprise. Easily set up automated reports or access your dashboards with a single click. Save time, stop digging through spreadsheets to find the data you need.

What more could you do if critical business information became automatically available whenever and wherever you need it? What if you could spend that time focusing on the bigger picture: improving your business and generating more revenue?

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